Share your Light, Spread the Love
/via Pacific MFT Network (cross-post)
Given the horrific amount of tragedies, violence, and hate polluting our world in present day, we have been thinking a lot about how we can possibly combat this as individuals in our own communities.
Following the Orlando tragedy [#prayfororlando #prayforhumanity] just a week and a half ago, we posted this moving quote by Martin Luther King Jr...
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that".
Sometimes, it's easy to get caught up in all the darkness around us, only to slowly, tragically, experience the fading light that comes from within ourselves.
In face of the very real, very scary existence of travesty, terror, and pain - we remind you of the power of that glimmering light inside of you.
Don't let it fade. Spread it!
Tell the person next to you why they are wonderful and worthy of love. Serve in your community. Give to the needy. Help that elderly woman to her car. Help promote a healthier environment. Save a stray and starving dog. Build a loving, humble, safe home for your family...Whatever it means to you, give your time to what's good in our world...and keep loving others...
...because "a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle" - James Keller.
Rachel Cord, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern #89397. Pacific MFT Network, © 2016.